How to make egg curry recipe,  step by step tutorial, egg curry, Indian Desi recipe, Indian tasty recipe, recipe blogs, how to make egg recipe, easy egg curry

Hey everybody, welcome back to our another recipe tutorial. Today we will learn to make Egg Curry with the help of simple  four steps. Egg curry recipe is tasty, delicious and spicy recipe. Mainly egg recipes made in many different form and this is one of the best form to make food from egg. Also we can't forget benefits of egg. As we known egg is best source of proteins and build muscles of body. So without wasting any time let's start our step by step tutorial for to make egg curry.


2.Cooking oil
3.Chopped onions
4.Onion paste
5.Ginger garlic paste
6.Cumin seed                                       
7. Papper                                                
8.Red chilli powder                                 
9. Coriander powder                      
10.Turmeric powder                             
11.Garam masala powder                      
12.Red chilli           

                     Step by step tutorial          

How to make egg curry recipe,  step by step tutorial, egg curry, Indian Desi recipe, Indian tasty recipe, recipe blogs, how to make egg recipe, easy egg curry

1.First step: First of all friend's we will put cooking oil on kadahi. Then we will put boiled eggs after removing egg shells from it. When boiled eggs turned into reddish brown colour slowly take out eggs from kadahi.

How to make egg curry recipe,  step by step tutorial, egg curry, Indian Desi recipe, Indian tasty recipe, recipe blogs, how to make egg recipe, easy egg curry

2. Second steps: In this step friend's we again take cooking oil in kadahi and heat it for few seconds. When oil heated we put red chillies, and chopped onion in it and mixed it well. After doing this we again add onion paste, turmeric powder, coriander powder, and tomatoes in it. Sotue it properly until materials turn into reddish colour.
How to make egg curry recipe,  step by step tutorial, egg curry, Indian Desi recipe, Indian tasty recipe, recipe blogs, how to make egg recipe, easy egg curry

3.Third step: When materials turn reddish in colour we add salt and mix it properly  with materials. Then we add crud  and sotue it. At last add garam masala and water in it as per requirement. Cover materials with help of plate.

How to make egg curry recipe,  step by step tutorial, egg curry, Indian Desi recipe, Indian tasty recipe, recipe blogs, how to make egg recipe, easy egg curry

4.Fouth step: When materials start boiling we add friend eggs in it and again cover with the help of the plate. After few minutes we garinsh with the help of the coriander leaves and ready to serve.

So I hope friend's you will enjoyed it and make this recipe easily. For more recipes tutorial follow us. For more information you can watch our YouTube videos it's clear your doubts easily.

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