Sattu drink recipes blog, bhiari sattu drink, step by step process,  easy sattu drink tutorial, best sattu drink, best summer drink recipes, how to make sattu drink

Hey friend's, welcome back to our cooking tutorial blog. Today we were going to make special drink for summer. Basically it known as 'Sattu drink'. As we known summer season is arrived. Sattu drink is famous drink of Bhiar. First let's known how much is sattu is benefical for health. Mainly sattu work as summer cooler which cools down the body and provide us essential nutrients. Sattu is so benefical for digestion and keep the skin glowing. So after knowing all benefits let's known to make sattu drink - step by step.


1.Sattu powder 
2.Mixed spices 
3.Pudina ki chatni
4.Chopped onion
5.Green chilli
6.Salt and black salt 

            Step by step process

Sattu drink recipes blog, bhiari sattu drink, step by step process,  easy sattu drink tutorial, best sattu drink, best summer drink recipes, how to make sattu drink

1. First step: First of all friends we will take one glass.  We put some chopped onion and mixed spices powder. Then we put some lemon juice and 1-2 spoon of pudina. 
After doing this step let's proceed for second step.

Sattu drink recipes blog, bhiari sattu drink, step by step process,  easy sattu drink tutorial, best sattu drink, best summer drink recipes, how to make sattu drink

2. Second step: In this step friend's we will add 1 spoon of green chillies. Then we will prepare sattu in liquid form. For to make sattu in liquid form we need to mix sattu with water. We take sattu as when we prepare for 1 glass take 3/4 water and 1/4 sattu powder. Then mixed it properly. After this add mixed spices powder and pudina chatni in middle. 

Sattu drink recipes blog, bhiari sattu drink, step by step process,  easy sattu drink tutorial, best sattu drink, best summer drink recipes, how to make sattu drink

3. Third step: At last we will fill it properly with sattu liquid and garnish with chopped onion and mixed spices powder. For more information watch our YouTube videos.


I hope friend's you enjoyed it well and enjoy this lovely drink with your friend's and family. Share our recepies with your rcipes blog with your friend's. Drink healthy and be healthy.